Did you know we are hosting A-Champs this year?

We are looking for volunteers to chair and join the Food, Raffle, Equipment or Management Committee.

These are the PERFECT jobs for someone who cannot volunteer at swim meets.

If you chair one of these Committees you will fulfill ALL of your volunteer requirements for the ENTIRE season!

If you join one of these Committees you will fulfill ONE of your volunteer requirements for the season!

Our goal is to have four members for each committee!

 If you are interested in chairing or joining any of these Committees,

please contact Catherine Heller at [email protected].

Food Committee

  • Create menu for both breakfast and lunch
  • Elicit donations from community
  • Organize donations from the team
  • Work with equipment committee for meet set-up and organization
  • Send thank you letters to donors

Raffle Committee

  • Create raffle baskets to display and raffle off
  • Elicit donations from community
  • If needed, buy fillers for the baskets
  • Work with equipment committee for meet set-up and organization
  • Send thank you letters to donors

Equipment Committee

  • Ensure signs and team area for all teams
  • Ensure tents/canopies for all necessary areas
  • Organize tables and tents for computer/scoring area/rewards
  • Organize benches and chairs for ready bench and behind the blocks seating
  • Work with raffle/food committee for their needs
  • Check all pool equipment to see if anything is needed to be bought/fixed
  • Large poster to post results
  • Parking and entry – direction signs
  • Grocery bags for each team for awards

Management Committee

  • Organize/print programs
  • Coordinate date/time with both pool and borough
  • Elicit business sponsors to print in program
  • Send thank you to newspaper to be printed for all of our donors
  • Organize area for t-shirt sales
  • Work with league on obtaining t-shirts
  • Organize 50/50 sells
  • Work with league on obtaining awards
  • Organize area for D & J Sports
  • Organize volunteers for both Souderton and all other teams
  • Organize warm-up times
  • Organize letter to teams and coaches
  • Work with equipment committee for set up of computer/reward/scoring area
  • Alert ambulance of date/time
  • Find someone to sing the anthem