Participants are eligible for a full refund up until the first night of practice.  After this, a 50% refund will be given minus cc processing and adminstrative fee's up until the first morning practice.  After this time, there will be no refunds given.  

The only exception to this policy is a medical situation that results in a swimmer/diver missing a minimum of 4 weeks of practice. In such a case, a doctor’s note is required and must be submitted along with a refund request to the Souderton Dolphin Swim Team Board within 2 weeks of the medical occurrence. The refund amount will be prorated and determined by the Board. 

Refund requests must be submitted in writing to the Souderton Dolphin Swim Team Board. 


Parental involvement is key to the success of the Souderton Dolphins.  Each family is asked to participate in our club’s success by volunteering for a minimum of 4 sessions.   A volunteer check in the amount of $150 is due prior to the first day of practice.  Participation will be tracked  and the $150 volunteer check will be cashed for families not completing the requirement.  You will be notified prior to the check being cashed. 

The following special circumstances are in addition to the volunteer policy:

a.  Families who ONLY have a high school swimmer are exempt from the 3 volunteer obligations.  If a family has a high school swimmer and a younger swimmer, they are still obligated to volunteer during 4 league meets and 1 Championship Meet. 

b.    Board members do not need to complete volunteer obligations but are expected to fill in for needed meet positions and be on deck to assist with any situations that may arise during league meets and championship meets. 

Information on how to volunteer will be shared via email and other communications. To get the job you want, be sure to sign up early!


Coaches will evaluate swimmers and determine the most appropriate practice group for each swimmer. Please do not make requests for changes in swimmer practice groups.  Swimmers are only permitted to practice with other groups with an explicit invitation from the head coach.


Souderton Summer Swim Team swimmers and divers are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship and display respect at all times. In instances when a swimmer or diver does not adhere to these standards, one warning will be given.  If a behavior continues after a warning, the child will be asked to exit the pool, get dressed, and return to the pool deck as an observer until the practice is over.  Upon the second violation, parents will then be informed.  The Souderton Summer Swim Team coaching staff and board reserve the right to suspend or expel a swimmer or diver from the program who is unable to adhere to our team standards.


Souderton Summer Swim Team provides scholarships to children, who without financial assistance would not be able to participate in a competitive swimming program. 

All applications will be reviewed by the Souderton Summer Swim Team Scholarship Committee only. All applications (and information derived from applications) will be kept in the strictest of confidence, and hard copies will be destroyed after review (regardless of whether the applicant receives a scholarship or not). 

Click here for the application.

In addition, Souderton Summer Swim Team may be able to assist families when a temporary adverse life event impacts the family’s ability to work their required service hours. The Souderton Summer Swim Team of will consider each situation on a case by case basis.

Families who find themselves in a difficult situation are asked to write a letter explaining the situation and requesting temporary scholarship support (this may include monthly dues waiver and/or service hour’s waiver). The temporary scholarship benefits will be determined by the Board and communicated in writing to the family. Requests may be submitted at any time by mailing the letter to:

Souderton Summer Swim Team Scholarship Committee


P.O. BOX 64798




Athletes inside the Souderton Pool area during lightning, thunder or other foul weather will be instructed to wait for parents at the main entrance to the pool. The pool’s lower gate will be locked and all swimmers will take cover at the entrance to the pool, where they are closest to pool staff and phones. If you are picking your child up from a weather-abbreviated practice please first go to the front gate.


To enable smooth drop off for your children to morning practice, we recommend that parents use Colonial Drive heading North so that you are on the pool side of the road for easy exit from your vehicle to the lower entrance  fo the pool for practice. 

If your child attends the YMCA Camp in the Souderton Park;  it’s important that the coaches are made aware of this at the beginning of each week so we can make sure there is a transparent “exchange of custody” between the swim team coaching staff and the Y Camp staff.
Athletes should stay inside the Souderton Pool area until they are picked up. At no point should a Dolphin  leave the premises without their guardian or designated pickup person.
If there are ever any issues at pickup there will always be an emergency contact sheet with the Dolphin coaching staff, who will be able to investigate the issue. If all parents could relay this rule to their children I would greatly appreciate it.