SWIM MEET JOB DESCRIPTIONS scroll below  for diving

Before the start of the meet, volunteers must check in with the Meet Director to receive credit for their job fulfillment and receive stop watches/lane assignments.

50/50:  (2) this is a great way to meet everyone at the meet. This is a club fund raiser at home meets. You sell the lottery tickets during the meet and a drawing is held toward the end. The winner gets half of the money collected, and the team gets the other half (Home meets only)

Announcer: (1) This is a great job for someone with a strong voice and an ability to correctly pronounce names. You announce the names of the swimmers in each event, make any other necessary announcements, and work with the Starter/Referee to keep the meet moving quickly and smoothly. (Home meets only)

Back-up Timer: (1 from each team) Starts a watch for each heat and watches to see if any lane timer indicates that s/he missed the start. If so, the back-up timer gets the finish time for that lane.

*Computer Operator   2 from home team ) (Scoring Table):   these person will enter the swimmers time in the computer from files on the dolphin compute. They will enter DQ's codes from the stroke  and turn slips, they will confirm the order of finish against the Finish judge slips before printing final event results to hand off to the Score keeper to confirm.

*Dolphin Computer Operator  ( 2 from the home team ) (Scoring Table):   this person is responsible for the Dolphin timing system, tracking watches that report finish times for each lane in each heat. They are to troubleshoot communication issues with the starter / referee during the meet.

Finish Judge:  (1 from each team) these judges stand at the end of the pool and observe the end of the race. They help decide the order in which the swimmers finished the event (i.e., who won) Heat 1 only. No technical knowledge of swimming is required, but it does require a keen ability to focus your attention for close races. Finish Judge may be used  for Relay take off judge during relays.

Heat Winner: (2) these people will watch for the first place finisher in each heat and provide that swimmer with a small prize. Prizes will be provided to the heat winner volunteer by the meet director at the start of the meet. We typically have one on each side of the pool (lane 1 and lane 8 at finishing  side)  however, the two volunteers are free to split the job up any way they like.

Relay Finish Judge: (2 from each team for 8 and 10U, 1 from each team for all other age groups):  Relay take off judges watch to make sure that the swimmer in the water touches the wall prior to the next swimmer leaving the starting block. Each judge watches all lanes for take-off violation. A slip to record an early take off will be provided at the meet.  Souderton will have the finish judge act as one of the relay take off judges and one relay finish judge volunteer.

Meet set-up/Break  down: (4) this crew readies the pool area for competition. This includes setting up lane lines, ready benches, score table (with electrical plugs, clipboards, supply box), sound system, roping off sections, canopy’s, and icing water bottles in coolers to be handed out to volunteer workers (home meets only)

  • This crew must arrive early for home meets and stay until the end of the meet for clean up.
  • This crew is led by Meet Coordinator

Ready Bench: (4) The ready bench personnel receive swimmers as their coaches send them to line up for their races. They organize the swimmers into the appropriate age group, gender, (event), heat, lane, order then ensure they get to the appropriate lane

  • (8U, 10U) send them to line up behind their lane 4 heats before their race (depending on pool deck space)
  • (12 and up) 3 heats ahead of  their race.

Runner: (4) Obtain event cards from 8 and 10 U swimmers and bring them to each lanes head timer. After each race, collect the times from the timers in each lane, finish judge cards, stroke and turn judge cards, and any cards from the starter/referee and takes them to the scoring table. You stay on the move throughout the meet, so it's great exercise. (Home meets only)

Score Keepers (4) (Scoring Table): These people will review the heat/event/ backup timer sheet , finish judge and DQ slips after each heat. They will need to be put in order, attached together, and confirm against the computer print out for the results to verify order of finish and timing of the events. At an away meet, this score keeper is the head scorekeeper of the meet.

*Starter/Referee: (1)This is the most technically demanding job. The Starter/Ref runs the events in the meet by ensuring that the swimmers start simultaneously and oversees all the other meet officials. This is a leadership position that requires experience and a take-charge personality. It is up to the Starter to keep the meet moving.  This person is responsible for the entire operation of the swim meet. They call each event, heat, stroke and distance. They make sure the starts are legal and observe each race to make sure everyone swims legally. They make the ultimate decision if a questioned DQ is valid. Must be knowledgeable of all rules/regulations and safety concerns. This job is a trained position. League offers a training course at the beginning of each season please contact the Meet Director if you are interested.  (Home meets only)

*Stroke & Turn Judge: (2- home varies away) These judges determine whether a swimmer touched the end of the pool during a turn and whether the technical aspects of the swimming stroke were legal. It requires knowledge of the US Swimming stroke regulations, and a willingness to fairly disqualify swimmers when appropriate. This job is a trained position. League offers a training course at the beginning of each season please contact the Meet Director if you are interested

Timer:  (16 home varies away) This is the most popular meet job among both new and experienced swim parents. You use a stopwatch to time the swimmer in your assigned lane. You start the watch when you see the strobe light up, and stop the watch when any part of the swimmer touches the wall. There are typically three timers per lane

  • The Head timer will record all 3 times on the swimmer’s card and circle the median of the times as the official time and hand off to the runner.  
  • One timer will ensure the proper swimmer is in the proper lane for the proper heat and event (verify their event card w the meet order and the swimmer present).

​* These positions must be trained or certified and approved by a board member, the Buxmount League. 



Before the start of the meet, volunteers must check in with the Diving Rep  to receive credit for their job fulfillment. The Scorer table will have one announcer, one scorer, one calculator and two checkers at a dual meet.

Diving Setup/Cleanup (2) Prepare area for diving and cleanup after (Home Meets Only)

Diving Announcer: (1) Before diving events start, the announcer shall announce the diving order by reading the name and affiliation of each diver entered in dual meets . Before each dive, the announcer shall announce the name of the competitor, the name of the dive to be performed, the position of the dive and the degree of difficulty.  “On deck” diver shall only be announced for the first round. During the competition, the announcer shall not announce any affiliation or individual titles relating to the competitor. After each dive, the announcer shall call for the judges’ awards, if instructed to do so by the referee, and shall announce the awards in the same consecutive order each time.  When instructed by the referee, the announcer shall reduce each judge’s award by two points when the awards are announced. At the completion of the event or Championship session and after verification and approval of the results by the referee,  the announcer shall announce the results, giving the order of finish, the competitor’s name, affiliation and total score. (Home Meets Only)

Table Officials (Scorers) (1 from each team) The table officials will use one diving sheet and have an extra person at the table to double check the single sheet.  The recorders shall place the judges’ awards on the divers’ score sheets in the same consecutive order as announced each time. This job is a trained position. League offers a training course at the beginning of each season please contact the Diving Rep if you are interested

Diving Referee (1) The home team is responsible for providing the diving referee.  In event that the home team cannot provide a diving referee, the visiting team may provide the diving referee. The diving referee shall have full jurisdiction over the diving events and shall see that all rules are enforced.  In all dual and championship meets, the diving referee shall make final decisions concerning all questions arising from conduct of the diving events, the final settlement of which is not covered by the rules, and shall have discretionary power to set aside the application of a procedure or rule when there is apparent unfairness in dual meets. (Home Meets Only) This job is a trained position. League offers a training course at the beginning of each season please contact the Diving Rep if you are interested

Diving Judges (3 home, 2 Away)    The diving referee  may also be one of the 5 judges.  There may be 5 or more judges for Junior and Senior Champs with representation from all participating teams.  The judges shall sit where the diving referee directs them. Each judge shall assess each dive independently and shall give scores for each dive from 10 to 0 in accordance with the attached scoring table. After each dive, on the signal from the diving referee or the call from the announcer, each judge without communicating with any other judge shall immediately and simultaneously with the other judges flash his award. This job is a trained position. League offers a training course at the beginning of each season please contact the Diving Rep if you are interested